Retail Marketing Experience
T.Rowe Price was in need of assistance to help define the future of their retail marketing user experience. They reached out and had me work on numerous concepts that were derived from user interviews and site data. The entire shopping path was to be overhauled with a particular focus on responsive pages that were optimized for various screens and devices.

Shopping user exerience
I designed and developed this desktop prototype with a up-dated brand user interface and features that streamline the users shopping path with the goal of increasing conversions and offering in-context information and guides. This approach brings T.Rowe Prices core shopping pages to better align with their business goals and users expectations.
Build your own portfolio
In an effort to streamline the opening a account process, this desktop and phone prototype explores better ways for the user to learn and choose investments, analyze the make-up of their portfolio and feel confident in their decisions. The design attempts to facilitate both self-directed investors and ones whom would benefit from contextual help and information.
New Account Set up
This was another concept dealing with opening a new account, choosing funds and setting up a funding source. The concept uses an accordion interface to keep the user aware of every choice as they work through the process. This ideally would make the process feel more approachable and allow them to make edits to past selections easily.