Horizon 2 Visioning
While always focused on serving their current investors needs, Vanguard also strives to be an industry leader in new approaches to better enable users to find and use the best financial products to help them achieve their goals. They refer to this work as horizon 2, and use this program to iterate quickly on the ideas of tomorrow, gaining user feedback and vetting approaches to influence the work being done today.

Investing bundles
This concept creates pre-packaged investor bundles complete with funds, account types and tools to get users starting investing with the confidence that they are benefiting from tried and true portfolios that have helped million of investors achieve their financial goals. Vanguard recognizes that while certain investors are hands on and want to create highly personalized portfolios, there is a large amount of people who feel overwhelmed, don't know where to start, and fear that their inaction is hurting their chances for financial success. The investor bundles is an effort to get the later investors started today as easily as possible.
investor Dashboards
At Vanguard, we realize that no two investors are exactly alike. Different investors would benefit greatly from a more personalized user dashboard that compliments their level of involvement in investing and how they approach their money. Whether they are early accumulators just plugging away at their retirement, a young family with multiple financial goals or the retiree who is highly engaged and consumes multiple sources of Vanguard's thought leadership, their dashboards could be designed to facilitate these needs.
money flow
In the commotion of life, its difficult to understand where your money is going. How much of your money is working for the past, present or investing in your future? The money flow concept is an effort to show users how their money is benefiting them both positively or negatively and whether it is supporting past decisions, present day or building a comfortable future. This data visualization hopes to alert investors as to how to avoid financial headwinds and encourage them to use their money to provide a good quality of life while ensuring a bright future.
retail marketing
Vanguard is always looking for new ways in order to communicate the benefits of their products and services. These pages are examples of new ways of marketing core retail products like IRA accounts and target date funds. Concepts like these are constantly being developed and tweaked then tested with users to better inform the Vanguard’s content strategy and user experience of the retail website.
my financial plan
Each investor has unique circumstances that they need to evaluate in order to achieve their financial goals. The My Financial Plan app tries to help the investor understand investment priority, contribution amounts and frequency, while taking into account all of the demands of life. The investor would answer key questions around their life, connect their financial accounts and determine their monthly bills. The app would then provide them with a financial plan which lays out how they should use their money to invest in multiple goals and pay down debt in the most efficient way.